K9 Manners Levels Program
All classes are currently held outside.
WNC K9 Manners Levels Program starts at level one and proceeds to level three.
The focus of this program is help you and your dog survive, thrive, and deal with household rules and human culture.
Whether you are interested in private coaching or a classroom experience, nothing makes me happier than seeing owners enjoying their dogs to the fullest. That is why your dog’s training is based on its individual personality, past and present behavior, aptitude for learning, breed characteristics, social development, and most importantly your family’s goals. During a private coaching session that is much easier to accomplish than in the K9 Manners classroom.
Because your dog’s training would not be complete without you learning how to properly handle and effectively communicate with your dog, this K9 manners program is offered in the classroom or as private coaching sessions. As we use a Schooling Model that helps both owner and the dog succeed, you will like this program and learn a lot.
All dog ages are welcome in this class. If you have any questions please email me or call me at 828-712-4245
During K9 Manners - Level 1: Schooling begins with focus, attention, and name recogition -- building a solid understanding of the foundations is important. Then we go on to leash walking, positions (sit, down and stand), come, stay, leave it and drop. We also give solutions for a range of behavioral problems such as jumping up, nipping, and what to do if you feel as though you are nagging your dog. As I help you teach the behaviors you desire we also talk about how to extinguish the undesireable ones -- an awareness of what is rehearsed is essential at times. Your lifestyle with your dog will suddenly make sense and be easier with a handful of guidelines to live by for the life of your dog.
Level 1 is where dog owners priorities are developed, rehearsals are understood, and mindsets start to shift. Each K9 team can have different needs and I will do my best to help everyone in class. However, please know that I make myself available during these 5 weeks to answer as many questions as possible and will encourage you to reach out if you have any questions. If I think a private coaching session would be best, I will mention that option.
This class is held inside and outside. Come dressed appropriately.
If you are interested and have questions please call or text Gail at 828-712-4245
Class Details: K9 Manners - Level 1 (Basic Manners)
5-Weeks of FUN ... with 4 dog limit. Please call with questions
Cost: $165
Payment Styles: Cash, Venmo, Zelle, or Check
Instructor: Gail Hubbard 828-712-4245
THIS CLASS IS FULL Start Date: Monday, January 20 at 1:30pm.
Mark Your Calendar: Monday, January 20, 27; February 4, 10, 17
Time: 1:30pm
THIS CLASS IS FULL Start Date: Saturday, February 8 at 11:30pm
Mark Your Calendar: February 8, 15, 22; March 8, 15
Time: 11:30pm
Location: 41 Edgewood Road Extension, Asheville NC 28803
This is a residence so play drive slowly. Take the middle paced driveway on your left once you see the orange cones and mailboxes on the left indicating that Edgewood Road Extension does deadend. Please also know that there is plenty of parking on the right of the house so please pull all the way up the driveway. There are paw prints on the drive way to help you pull up the correct driveway as well as red posts with the number 41 on it to guide you. Follow the red doggie signs. There are red rockers on the porch and the red garage door. If you have any questions, please call me 828-712-4245.
What to Bring:
- 6 foot leash (no retractable)
- proof of rabies - PLEASE
- a favorite toy
- small soft food treats - i.e. turkey hotdogs cooked and string cheese ... it's different but that is what my dog's love!
- YOU ready to train. Enthusiasm and Joy! AND plenty of motivators for establishing your personal reward strategy!
Sign Up Now
Private Training and Behavior Consultations
Private Coaching Benefits are:
- At home coaching session
- Comfortable environment to optimize learning for your puppy
- Initial evaluation to determine goals and expectations are fulfilled
- Assessment of where the dog is within those goals and expectations
- Developing your initial plan with handouts and homework
- Follow up emails and phone calls
- Scheduling the second session to stay consistent and evaluate your training mechanics
1 hour of coaching ... $105
1.5 hours of coaching ... $155
The initial meeting includes an evaluation, handouts and a follow-up phone consultation and typically lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. All follow-up sessions are typically an hour in length.
When working with larger families, children, and multiple dogs, the private coaching can extend even longer in length.
2 hours of coaching ... $195
Programs are provided giving the busy families a lot of options and supportive services. If you would like to discuss the programs, please let me know.
**Pricing is different for those living outside of a 15-mile radius.
After successful completion of Level-1, you are encouraged to move on to K9 Manners - Level 2 if you are wanting to move toward therapy dog, and/or passing the CGC test.
K9 Manners Level 2 - CGC Prep introduces new ways to increase your dogs arrousal while working on compliance. Classes are always based on the foundation of how to properly handle and effectively communicate with yourdog. The goals are to go deeper into what you personally want and need as your dog's life (24/7/365) is the most important to me.
This class will prep you for the CGC class. It is held for 5-weeks so that you can build upon your obedience foundation.
During this class it will not be unusual for me to give one person more homework in one aspect of their relationship, and another may have a totally different focus. When we come together it is your opportunity to work on your individual relationship with your dog with guidance from me - moving towards your personal goals. It is a class so there will be limitations, but you are always encouraged to ask questions and send weekly updates via email.
- Accepting a friendly stranger
- Sitting politely for petting
- Appearance and grooming
- Walking on a loose leash
- Walking through a crowd
- Sit and down on command and staying in place
- Coming when called
- Reaction to another dog
- Reacting (or not reacting) to a distraction
- Supervised separation.
To pass the CGC test dogs must pass all 10 items of the test.
If you are nosure if this class is for you. Please call Gail at 828-712-4245.
Important Notes: If you have not attended a K9 Manners class your dog may need to step back in order to move forward to accomplish your goals. An option: a private lesson may be scheduled [$105] to enter into this class.
During each private I evaluate and give essential homework to move forward with your desires.
Class Details: K9 Manners Level 2 - CGC Prep
5-Week of CGC Prep
Cost: $165
Cash, Venmo, or Check (Payable to: WNC K9)
New Class Start Date: Tuesday, March 4 at 1:00pm
Class Schedule: Tuesday, March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1
Time: 1:00pm
The locations: The different class locations will be given during the first class.
The first class location is: 41 Edgewood Road Extension, Asheville NC 28803
This is a residence so play drive slowly. Please also know that there is plenty of parking on the right of the house so please pull all the way up the driveway. There are paw prints on the drive way to help you pull up the correct driveway as well as red posts with the number 41 on it to guide you. Follow the red doggie signs. There are red rockers on the porch and the red garage door. If you have any questions, please call me 828-712-4245.
What to Bring: Bring what motivates your dog (toy and small, soft food treats) and your enthusiasm!
Class Details:
This class builds upon K9 Manners Level Two offering extensions to the learning environment by meeting in different locations in and around Buncombe and Hendersonville County, depending on where the participants live.
We review the CGC Prep tests and focus on the CGCU test items below. At times people take this class several times because it is fun watching their dog learn and review important aspects of life. Everyone taking this class may be at different levels of performance when it comes to the CGCU items. Know that we will review and help you through all aspects with the Schooling Model in mind and meeting each dog where he/she is in the process of learning.
1) Exit/enter doorways with no pulling in dog-friendly buildings.
2) Walk through a crowd on a busy urban sidewalk.
3) Appropriate reaction to city distractions. This includes movement, noises, and walking on a variety of surfaces.
4) Crossing street: Stop at corner, stand or sit to wait and cross with no pulling.
5) Ignore food on sidewalk.
6) Approaching a person walking up to greet and pet your dog.
7) Public building control: Walks under control in building. Down stay in lobby or outdoor area while you are there.
8) Stairs, steps, or elevator control.
9) Housetrained for apartment, condo, and also in public buildings, or have observed in training classes.
10) Transportation control.
To pass the CGCU test dogs must pass all 10 items of the test. For more information go to the AKC website.
Prerequisite: If you are not coming from a K9 Manners Level 1 or 2 class, a private lesson must be scheduled [$80] to enter into this class.
Class Details: K9 Manners - UCGC Prep
5-Weeks of FUN (We meet at different places each week)
Cost: $165
New Class Start Date: TBA
Target End Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Locations: TBA
What to Bring: Bring what motivates your dog (toy and small, soft food treats) and your enthusiasm!